Authors Books Personal Development Books Wattles, Wallace D. By haleybee / 5 years ago Share Tweet Pin Share They eat both animal and plant foods. Many foods from both plant and animal sources are eaten raw. From wild animals, bones, and organs are as important as (and often preferred over) muscle meat. From domesticated animals, fresh milk (and in some cases, even blood) is drawn. When milk products are used, they are made from milk taken from vitally healthy animals after they have been well fed on newly growing spring grasses. Cheese, butter, and other milk products that can be stored for later use are made from this milk. During other seasons, the animals are fed the highest quality hay. For some groups, insects in both adult and immature forms are important food sources, even where other animal foods are available. In zones near the sea, sea creatures are the source of animal food. Fish eggs are a rich source of nutrients. Where they are not available year-round, both the flesh and eggs of fish are dried for winter use in a way that preserves or increases nutrient content. Plant foods are eaten liberally during the season in which they grow and are ripe. Where they are not growing year-round, some are preserved for winter use in ways that preserves their nutrients. Sweet foods of all kinds are eaten only sparingly on special occasions. Refined sugar is avoided altogether, as are all foods made by adding refined sugar. Land used for plant cultivation is fertilized liberally with natural substances, and allowed periods of rest. Grains are eaten whole, or ground immediately before use. The entire grain is used. Women are supplied with extra high nutrient diets for several months before marriage and pregnancy, and during pregnancy and lactation. Childbirth is carefully spaced three years apart so that the mother can nurse her child, then replenish her body in preparation for the next pregnancy. Young men are also fed extra-high nutrient diets in preparation for fathering children. Children are nursed, then given high nutrient foods to help them grow. There are times of natural decrease in food supply, and ceremonial times, when the people eat less, or not at all. The people actively participate in the physical pursuit of growing, gathering, hunting, and preparing their food. They have community ceremonies of gratitude and celebration. These are the practices of the healthiest people on earth. What happens when these same people abandon their way of living and eating and replace their foods with unnatural foods? They develop disease, deformity, misery, and unsociable behavior. What are the unnatural foods that cause these effects? They are refined and preserved foods from which natural life has been removed or lost, or sugar and flavors added to hide the absence of nutrients. They are foods so old that no life force remains in them. They are foods from unhealthy plants and animals, containing life force that bears the impression of weakness or disease. What is needed for perfect health is vital food, brimming with life force, eaten according to the practices of healthy people. How shall the modern city dweller acquire this vital food and incorporate these practices into his life? First is to remember that he is to eat the food Nature provides in the zone in which he lives. He must align himself with the Principle of Life with gratitude that there is abundant food for all and with faith that he will be perfectly guided to the best sources available in his area. Perfect health requires a relationship with the Source of all food with faith, gratitude, and joy. Food must be gathered with the attitude of more life to all and less to none. A person must either learn to grow and gather, raise animals, hunt and fish, or find those who do. If he does not procure his own food directly from Nature, he must form a friendly relationship with those who do. He can then knowingly choose to deal with those who operate in harmony with Nature, exercising gratitude and wisdom. The person who does not know how to identify a farmer or hunter following the natural laws of producing and finding food can be guided by these simple concepts: Choosing your food providers 1. The food provider is healthy, happy, and of a generous spirit. 2. He uses no poisons of any kind in the production of foods. Previous123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627Next